@nbtiller jagab Twitteris uuringut. Lühidalt, kupumassaaži näol tegemist on täiesti tavalise pettusega.
“Here’s one of the best (highest-quality) studies on #cupping therapy. Relative to sham, it shows no effect of cupping on pain, physical function, perceived overall effect, quality of life, psychological symptoms, or medication use. #pseudoscience”
“This is one study of many, mostly showing the same outcomes. Cupping operates on the principle of “energy flow” that’s never been measured, through “body meridians” that don’t exist. So, there just isn’t a mechanism by which it could work”
Kui sind huvitab, siis soovitan kuulata Be 1st Podcasti saadet, kus Erki Nool ja füsioterapeut Rainar Vahtrik rääkisid taastumisest. Väga levinud kinesioteip, külmavannid jms on sama #uhhuu nagu kupud, nõelravi jms.